This is
Shihab Muhtasim

Aspiring CSE student with a passion for problem-solving and a drive to continuously learn and grow.

Software Engineering

Rent Koro
Car rental website in Laravel

Rent Koro is a car rental website built in Laravel catering to different user roles: admin, vendor, general, and guest. Our platform facilitates the renting and listing of cars, providing a seamless rental experience.

System Analysis and Design

Clothing rental website in Laravel

Specialized in Admin Panel and Vendor Management, leveraging expertise in SQL, Laravel, PHP, HTML,
and sessionmanagement to ensure secure login/logout and create an intuitive admin & vendor interface.
I also led my team,ensuring efficient, on-time delivery.


Password Strength Checker

An Assembly language project utilizing the emu8086 processor to assess password strength based on length, character types, and sequences. Categorizes passwords as Very Strong, Strong, Weak, or Very Weak.

Computer Graphics

2D Games
Using OpenGL in Python

This project contains multiple games of OpenGL that are built in Python, showcasing various graphical and interactive elements through OpenGL primitives and Python programming. It includes games such as spaceship shooter, diamond catcher, water drops controller, house rain animation, running balls controller.

Natural Language Processing II


This project, titled "Movie Review Classifier," delves into Natural Language Processing (NLP) to create a sentiment analysis algorithm for movie reviews.

Artificial Intelligence

Weather Prediction
Machine Learning Model

Conducted effective dataset preprocessing, model analysis, model selection andcomparison, emphasizing precision and recall metrics and developed four machine learning models in python, to provide accurate weather forecasts.

Database Systems

Green Closet
Ecommerce Website

The project is aimed at providing a hassle-free shopping experience for customers looking to buy clothes online.This is built using HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL.


Photo Jump
A Personalized Endless Runner Game

Designed and developed an endless runner game using JavaScript and HTML. The game allows users to customize characters with their own photos and challenges them to jump over obstacles while controlling their chosen image.